Further to that story the other day about Ireland being the last country in Europe to adopt zip codes, it turns out that the island of Tristan de Cunha has a post code, TDCU 1ZZ, which has been working since as early as April 2004. Writing in the Tristan Times, via the South Atlantic Remote Territories Media Association, J. Brock tells us that "an item ordered over the internet (it’s not clear if it was ordered from the Island) reached its buyer" with that post code attached.
Tristan de Cunha is a British territory that describes itself as the remotest island in the world. It's "roughly
circular in shape with an average diameter 10 kms and has a total area
of 78 sq kms but only 5 sq kms of flat area at the northwest part," and "2800 kms from
the nearest mainland Cape of Good Hope in South Africa," according to this tourism web site. Its main sources of income are crawfish and postage stamps. There are 300 inhabitants who share seven surnames.
Still on the main page of the Tristan Times, a story about the successful annual sheep shearing day - which was the 19th of January.
See pictures of Tristan de Cunha here.