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24 August 2011



Love it. That angle makes me think this was not taken with a telephoto, meaning you were pretty close up?

Bill Murray

Thanks for the note, Chris. I'll look up the metadata tomorrow, but my best memory is that it probably was a Nikkor 80-200 f2.8 FX lens. We were in an open jeep just a wee bit closer than you'd feel perfectly safe with. Here's another shot for perspective:


And one more: http://www.earthphotos.com/Countries/Uganda/6011147_sMSjZF#393042342_YQeDR



For the record, it was a Nikon D200 camera and Nikkor 18-200 mm f/3.5-5.6 lens at a focal length of 170mm, ISO 100 for 1/60 of a second.

Blade Luxury Hotels

Hey Bill great shots, were you just recently in Uganda? Also, did you to go Congo? What was your overall impression of Africa, if you had to live there?lol Nice work...

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