Conflicting stories about a dam across the Mekong: On Monday the Vancouver Sun ran the story Laos agrees to delay dam that neighbours say threatens Mekong. From a story today via Vietnamnet, "Thailand’s second largest contractor is pushing ahead with the controversial Xayaburi dam in Laos despite concerns voiced by environmental activists."
Can't claim to be an expert on Laotian hydroelectric needs or possible ramifications in the Mekong Delta, but having visited both the general area of the dam and the Delta, I can say both are lovely and unique and you'd hate to see the character of either change.
Here's the Mekong upstream from Luang Prabang, Laos. Entirely pristine:
And from farther south at the Mekong Delta below Saigon, here are this week's Wednesday HDRs, a couple of photos from Can Tho, Vietnam's eighth largest city. First from the really big floating market, then a textured photo of the terrace at the Victoria Can Tho Hotel:
Both HDRs shot with Nikon D-200, processed in Photomatix Pro and finished in Photoshop CS4.
All these photos click through to larger versions on Check out the Vietnam Gallery and Laos Gallery there for more. And there are over 300 photos in the HDR Gallery.
And while we're on the subject, read an excerpt from our story Hurtling Through the Mekong Delta.