Friday the man in the big brown truck drove up the lane and dropped off three new travel planning guides. First: the Jetlag Travel Guide to Phaic Tan, a Southeast Asian land "With one foot in the past and another striding determinedly forward...." Phaic Tan is the "world's number one exporter of cocktail umbrellas and disposable chopsticks."
Also in the series, Molvania, a small Eastern European land untouched by modern dentistry. Molvania is the birthplace of the polka and whooping cough. I didn't know that. The third title in the Jetlag Travel Guide series is San Sombrero: "From the frenetic nightlife of its capital, Cucaracha City, to the guaranteed solitude of a west coast beach during sea-snake season, there’s simply so much to see and do in this exotic, tropical jewel."
Start to finish, with inside cover pages featuring little bios of the scruffy contributing backpack-type authors, a breezy writing style, bolded key words, and even the little colored tabs for finding the various sections, these three books are just exactly so dead on. Really funny.
Along these lines, also check out another perfect parody, SkyMaul from KasperHauser.