We'll have to wait for a while yet. Lots of 'known unknowns' surround this North Korea story. We don't know what kind of "journalism" the two released prisoners were engaged in. Some content on Current TV, their employer, isn't by "journalists" at all. It's short features by interested amateurs. The Current TV web site encourages viewers to contribute their own videos.
On the other hand, were they really even in North Korea at all? Peter Hessler, in a 2000 article for the New Yorker, suggested a plausible scenario for their capture. He wrote, "I got to know a couple of the local boat pilots, and several times a day they'd drive me along the banks of North Korea" on the Yalu River. North Korea has a well established history of kidnapping and the two women were said to have been "stopped by border guards."
Hard to know what really happened. Unfortunate inadvertent tourism, maybe.