Just a few sites to fire your imagination and enthusiasm to travel one day to a total solar eclipse:
Miroslav Druckmüller is a just unbelievably talented man. See his Eclipse Photography Home Page. He viewed the 2006 total eclipse from the same region we did, Cappadocia, Turkey, and let's just say that now that I've seen his photos of that eclipse, you'll never, ever see mine.
Here's a really nicely done site called Eclipse Chasers run by Bill Kramer. There's a good section on eclipse photography.
For the best how-to book I've found on eclipse photography, try Total Solar Eclipses and How to Observe Them by Martin Mobberley.
Planning your trip to an eclipse is a big deal. You probably don't want to spend thousands, for example, to get to a place like the Torres del Payne in Patagonia (lovely as it is) for the 11 July 2010 eclipse, because there's up to an 80% chance of cloud cover. Find out things like that from Eclipse weather from the University of Manitoba.
Finally, Fred Espinak works for NASA and is known as Mr. Eclipse. Here's "Mr. Eclipse's" site. Here are world Eclipse maps through 2025.
(Photo of the total solar eclipse, 11 August, 1999, as seen at Lake Balaton, Hungary. See more in the Hungary Gallery at EarthPhotos.com.)