It's a Ferris Wheel revolution.
They're not all open yet, but when they are, to take a spin on the five tallest Ferris Wheels will require a far-flung four country itinerary: China, Singapore, Germany & The U.A.E.
You'll want to wait just a bit, though. There's suspiciously little confirmation out of Dubai about the completion of the Great Dubai Wheel, and Beijing's Great Wheel and the Great Berlin Wheel aren't scheduled to open until later this year. lists the tallest Ferris Wheels like so:
London Eye, 443 feet
The Star of Nanchang, 525 feet
The Singapore Flyer, 541 feet
Great Berlin Wheel, 606 feet
The Great Dubai Wheel, 607 feet
The Great Wheel Of China, 684 feet
The Singapore Flyer only debuted as the world's tallest Ferris Wheel last year and, such is the wheel-building frenzy, by the end of 2009 should be only a disappointing fourth. The Smart Set has an overview of the State of the Wheel.
The Economist reports even Baghdad is getting in on the act. It says, "Although details of the wheel, even its location, are sketchy, a municipal spokesman has confirmed that it will reach 198 metres into the sky and carry some 30 capsules."
(Photo of the London Eye from