Dubai from
In light of Iceland's banking troubles, this story from Bloomberg is alarming. It says of Dubai, "Government-controlled companies owe at least $47 billion, more than Dubai's gross domestic product, and they will continue to accumulate debt at a faster pace than the economy grows...."
Iceland, meanwhile, is on sale for tourists. My first trip there I came back shaking my head at the ten dollar beers. Now Gadling posts an article that notes a dollar will buy 220 krona, versus just 80 a couple weeks ago.
IcelandAir has been the backpackers' route into Europe for years, with deals available in winter through Reykjavik. Nowadays they're pitching Iceland as a budget destination (of all things), with a $549 pp offer for airfare and three nights in a Hilton. The hop up from Boston takes five hours.
See photos from both Iceland and Dubai on